I want to make music, but I don't even know how to play an instrument:-
First and foremost, welcome to my blog, young enthusiast :) I'm 90% sure you're older than me so I respect you for believing in the internet's teaching power and all that bullshit. Let's start, shall we?
The piano is the Mother Of all Music (MOM) so you'd better listen carefully. What do you think of a piano?
Exactly, a musical instrument with black and white keys. Let me be as basic as I possibly can be here.
Each key of a keyboard is part of a particular octave. An octave is made up of 7 white keys CDEFGAB and 5 black ones Called C#,D#,F#,G#,A# (say C sharp, D sharp,...)
The standard keyboard has 7 octaves ranging from C0-C7 and some with a minor 3rd too (Don't panic, you will understand later on)
Each key has scales called Minors, Majors, 7s and more. These scales go as follows,
C Major - C D E F G A B C. Now, Each scale has their Chords. (Tonic Triads).
You can search for generic keyboard chords in the Internet to help you out with this.
So, the Tonic Triad of C Major is C, E and G held together. This is the basic thing ya need to know about the keyboard. Cause all these are just "Educational NTKs" so there is actually no need to know all this in my opinion.
All songs have chord progressions. such as Am (say A minor) F C G, Dm C A# C and so on. That is totally your choice based on your song. So, the first step is to decide how your track will go.
Ooopsieee, Totally forgot. A piano alone (sadly) is not enough to make a banger EDM Track :( so what you are gonna do is download FL Studio by Image Line. This piece of software is breathtakingly amazing to work with as you will learn later. So go ahead and download it now.
I'd advice you to buy the Producer Edition (psst. you can do it illegal if you want but I'm not suggesting that.) so that you can have everything hands on :)
So, welcome to FL 12. Here, you probably have an empty project open with 4 words, Kick, clap, hat and snare. As some of you might've guessed, these are drums. you can experiment with your very first loop of fruity loops (that's what FL stands for) all you like. So let me tell you how songs work in FL.
There are millions of Instruments you can work with. In FL 12 Pro Ed, you have the amazing Sytrus, Autogun and a bunch of awesome plugins. If you do not know what plugins are, let me explain in an easy way. They are "instruments" with particular sounds. Each plugin you choose is added as a "channel" in your project's pattern
So I have Sytrus opened. It's default plugin are strings. You can go to presets to choose whatever instrument you want or toy around with your knobs to find out and create your own too. Now what you are gonna do is to assemble a small drum beat with the Am F C G chord progression.
Select a nice piano from the sytrus presets and go to piano roll by clicking the inverted triangle icon from the top bar and use your mouse to create ACE, FAC, CEG and GBD. Chords, (A minor, F, C and G actually) Like shown in the pic.
We get ourselves a nice beat now. Follow my lead.
I have used a different chord progression now and here are my percussion, you can use a new pattern for this as you already have one for the chords. I have also replaced the plugins, for example, the sytrus with FL keys as that keyboard has some good sounds. You can do the same as well, go to a channel and right click and select replace and replace with some other sounds
now click the button adjacent to the pattern 1 dialog to open up the playlist. Here you program all the song loops into one song. First open up with the chords and add the drumbeat pattern after that.
Now for some beautiful chorus leads, follow me.
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